Boating has always been an activity where safety and personal responsibility are essential things to practice. Now that we’re undergoing a pandemic, however, the safety of you, your passengers and other people around you is threatened in a new and unprecedented way: the novel coronavirus or COVID-19.

While many places have permitted boating to take place during the pandemic, there are some new restrictions and regulations that you need to be aware of as a responsible boater. Jet Ski of Miami is here to help you by providing some answers to questions you may be having around coronavirus protocols when it comes to boating in Florida.

Is It Safe to Boat With Social Distancing Restrictions?

The short answer is yes, because going out on the water with your quarantine group is a very safe recreational pursuit, but you must do it with the right precautions in place. All boats on the water in Florida must maintain a distance of 50’ between them, for example, to ensure that air is not shared between parties. You must only boat with your quarantine group or “bubble;” that is, the small circle of people with whom you live and interact on a daily basis. Inviting additional friends or relatives outside your bubble to join you on a boating trip is not encouraged.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have established some important guidelines for general health and safety that you should practice even while boating:

  • Remain at least 6’ away from other people who are not in your quarantine group at all times. Now is not the time to socialize with other boaters!
  • Wear a cloth face covering over your nose and mouth when in public; avoid touching or removing the mask until you are out on the water with your quarantine group or back in your vehicle.
  • Do not permit others to board your boat who are not part of your established party.
  • Use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol to disinfect your hands after handling any high-touch surfaces like gate latches or fuel pumps.
  • When you are able to do so, wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water.
  • If you or anyone in your traveling party has any symptoms of the coronavirus such as a cough, fever or malaise, stay home, contact your family physician for a test and remain quarantined.

Where Is Boating Permitted?

Boat launches in the Miami-Dade County area are open between 6 AM and 10 PM every day. Only one boat is permitted at a time on each launch and it must be ready to go when you start launching it. Check with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service if you’re wondering whether there are any current closures, as restrictions have had to loosen and contract depending on the severity of viral spread. If you want to fish, contact the refuge or hatchery you plan to visit to ensure that they are open before you depart.

How Do I Keep My Boat Clean?

It’s a smart move to disinfect your boat after every trip you take in it; the virus can live for hours or even days on certain surfaces in certain conditions. Make sure you use EPA-approved disinfectants to clean your boat, but ensure that you aren’t using anything that would damage your boat’s finishes or materials.

Use bleach wipes or a solution of 60% alcohol on a clean cloth to wipe down all high-touch surfaces such as handles, seat arms, buttons, controls and even the edges of your boat. Be cautious around any electronics so that you don’t damage them. Bag up all trash after each trip and dispose of it properly. Encourage passengers to remove all their personal belongings from the craft after the trip.

We hope this guide proves helpful to you in Seeking boats for sale in Miami, FL? Visit our website to take a look at the wide selection of new and used boats for sale at our Miami dealership location. Jet Ski of Miami proudly serves all of our southern Florida customers, including those of you coming from Hialeah, FL.