If you’re thinking about investing in a personal watercraft or you’ve recently bought one, it’s important to know how to ride it before you hit the water. Jet Ski of Miami has prepared this guide with some key PWC riding tips. Read on for more! If you still have questions, give us a call or stop by and see us. We’ve got an impressive selection of PWC for sale in Miami, FL. We also serve those in Hialeah.

Safety First

When handling a heavy piece of machinery, such as a personal watercraft, it’s crucial to know how to use it properly. First and foremost, you need to make safety your highest priority. If you’re riding a PWC, you should know how to swim. No matter how great of a swimmer you are, you need to wear a lifejacket at all times. If you have a passenger riding with you, they’ll need one as well. Remember to attach the engine shut-off lanyard to your wrist or lifejacket before you start riding, which will allow your craft to come to a complete stop if you fall off or become incapacitated.

This might seem like common sense, but it’s worth mentioning that you should wear sunscreen and sunglasses. Additionally, you’ll want a well-fitting pair of water shoes. Keep drinking water with you so you can stay hydrated. Other essential items include a first aid kit, signal flares, a horn or whistle, emergency radio, your cell phone and charger, and a dewatering device. Most models come with spacious storage compartments so you’ll have a secure place to stash it all.

Getting Started

Once you’ve loaded your PWC into the water from the ramp, you’ll want to make sure that it’s in water that’s at least three feet deep. This will ensure no debris or rocks from the bottom will get sucked into your craft, which can clog or damage the impeller. You should be out of the way of other people and objects before starting your machine. You’ll want to begin by cruising at 5 to 10 mph in an open space where you have room to speed up. Do not exceed 5 mph when in coves and ‘no wake’ zones.

Stay at least 100’ away from other personal watercraft riders and 150’ from the shore when you’re on plane and traveling at high speeds. Your PWC isn’t equipped with brakes so when it’s time to slow down, you’ll need to ease up on the throttle and give your craft enough space to come to a full stop.

Use Your Body to Steer

Once you get going, you’ll need to use your body to steer. Throw your weight to the side that you’re turning into and make sure you don’t ease up on the throttle. The jet that shoots out of the back of your personal watercraft is what powers your machine. If you slow down, it’s going to be impossible to power through the turn. Maintain a consistent speed as you turn and use your body weight to guide your PWC in the right direction.

Respect Others

As you’re out enjoying the water on a beautiful sunny day, it’s likely that you won’t be the only one doing so. Whether there are swimmers in the water or people cruising around on a boat, you’ll need to be aware of your surroundings and give others a wide berth. If you need to pass others in the water, do it on the right and signal your approach with a horn or whistle. 

We hope our PWC riding tips have come in handy. If you’re still searching for the perfect personal watercraft, be sure to visit us at Jet Ski of Miami to browse our inventory. Our dealership in Miami, FL, can also assist with parts and service.